You are Stronger than You Believe

Thursday Devotional: April 2nd, 2020 You Are Stronger Than You Believe Psalms 105:24 By: Franka Riviere The Bible is riddled with stories with God’s children overcoming their issues, yet, why do we modern-day “self-proclaimed” Children of God always feel so incompetent? I sometimes ask myself this question and from studying and self-reflection, this is what I found. 1. We are comparing ourselves to worldly standards Though we live in the world of Meg the Stallions and the numerous mumble rappers, and Grammy winners who are plastered on billboards, radio, TV, and social media it is hard to not fall prey to these constant images and high standards. But we have to remember we do not BELONG to this world. We are asking ourselves if we are good enough for their standards instead of asking if we are walking in God’s shoes- a reflection of his Image. (Quick Read) Job 17:9 2. Humbleness does not equal low-self esteem I was always scared of looking proud. I sometimes belittled myself to not seem cocky or a know it all. I’ve come to realize that God did not create me to be small and he GAVE me my talents to shine for HIM! Also, God took all those small people and gave them big roles! If they kept their ways and views of themselves and didn’t accept their gifts, God would have to use someone else for His glory . The Devil wants us to be quiet, not stand up for God and ourselves. When I realized that I am awesome, a lot of things started going my way. My flowered confidence bloomed and I started excelling more than before. Things started to fall in place and I saw God moving in my life. God planted a seed in all of us, we just have to water it. Take a look at this parable, and when reading, think of the talents as the gifts God gave you. Matthew 25:14–30 3. Lastly, we all have our down days. Even Jesus cried a couple of times and prayed a good few more times. It is being human. God gave us this range of emotions, so it is not like he does not expect us to feel sad, frustrated, confused, and even weak sometimes. He understands! So take a moment, breathe, and locate and identify what is going on. We sometimes prolong our stress simply because we do not want to deal with it. The longer it stays the heavier it becomes in our subconscious. After identifying the issue at hand bring it up to God in prayer. He is literally waiting to deliver us. Remember, not everything is going to happen overnight, but this is where your faith comes in. Although we can not see the endgame, we can recognize the value of our struggles, whether it is to refine us, build our faith, bring us future blessings, OR it could just be a testament in bringing someone else closer to God. (Quick Read) Psalms 142:6 At the end of the day, God is ready to move mountains for us. For the remainder of this week really focus on being your BEST: Believe that you are stronger Evaluate your issues Say that you are competent and Testify to God’s current and previous victories. |